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The 2018/2019 Skeet & DTL Winter Series have been sponsored by GMK Beretta & Hull Cartridges. In addition to the normal HG, Class & Category prizes, there will be a Super Shoot Off on the final day of each series for the best placed 2 people in each class.
Super Shoot Off Prizes
Winner: £150, Runner Up: £100, 3rd Place: £50
Plus Beretta Goodies
Series Prizes
High Gun: £100, 500 Hull Cartridges
1st in AA, A, B & C: £50
Vet, Lady Junior & Colt HG: 250 Hull Cartridges
(You must shoot 4 of the 6 events to qualify for the series or shoot off.
1 series prize per person, class will take priority over category.)
Down The Line Fixtures

9th December

23rd December

6th January

20th January

3rd February

17th February

English Skeet Fixtures

2nd December

16th December

30th December

13th January

27th January

10th February

English Sporting
Our Sporting Winter Series will be our last sporting series - but watch this space as we have big plans for future Registered & non-registered events.
This final series is sponsored by Hull Cartridges. You must shoot 4 of the 6 events to qualify for the series. Classes achieved in the Autumn Series will be used. If you haven't shot the Autumn Series then you will be classed based on your 1st 4 scores registered in the Winter Series. Veterans are aged 60 and above, Juniors are 16 and under.
High Gun: £30, 250 Hull Cartridges
1st in AA, A, B & C: £25
Veteran, Lady & Junior HG: 250 Hull Cartridges
1 prize per person, category will take priority over class.

9th December, 23rd December, 6th January,

20th January, 3rd February & 17th February

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