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April 2022 

Sunday 3rd April

100 Single Barrel (Inc West Midlands, Notts & Lincs Champs) 

100 DTL & 100 ESK (Inc Cheshire Sel)

SB- Prize Winners Results

DTL- Prize Winners Results

ESK- Prize Winners Results

Sunday 10th April

100 DTL (Inc John Bates Memorial) & 100 ESK (in Derbys Sel)

NSSA (Any Gauge)

Sunday 17th April

100 ESK (Inc Mick Tomlinson Memorial) & 100 DTL

Monday18th April

100 All Round (Inc Derbys Champs)

Thursday 21st April

NSSA (Any Gauge)

Sunday 24th April

100 ESK & 100 DTL

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